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Help with Compassion is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the United States.

Help with Compassion

Help with Compassion is a  501(c)(3) organization whose goal is to walk with the persceuted, the poor, and the marginalized by carrying the cross for Christ. To this end, Bishop Patrick Augustine, Missionary Bishop of Bor, South Sudan leads and organizes a dedicated volunteer team to support mission work in Asia and Africa. All the work, including Bishop Patrick, is done voluntarily which means that there are no operating costs for Help with Compassion. All donations are directly used to support charitable work overseas. 


Recently Bishop Patrick and Help with Compassion have supported the construction of additional classrooms at St. Andrews school in Bor, South Sudan. Alongside classroom improvements, Help with Compassion supported the drilling of three wells near Bor to provide safe and clean water to over 3,000 students. Other projects have included the support for vocational training centers, homeless youth, educational materials, classroom supplies, medicine, and a a variety of other projects. To learn more about Bishop Patrick and Help with Compassion's work, please check out our website or Mission Diaries. Thanks!

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