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St. Andrews school serves the children of Bor in South Sudan. It was founded in 2009 with 30 students. However, today the school has over 3,320 students, with 44 teachers. Many of the students and teachers are former refugees who had fled to Kenya, Uganda, and parts of the Congo and now have returned home. The school though is strained with the large increase of students and resources are very limited. Despite these challenges, the school is in high demand because of the quality of academics and it has become one of the largest schools in South Sudan.

The challenges facing St. Andrews School are immense:

  • Each teacher is paid less than $30.00 a month (under a dollar a day)

  • The school floods during the rainy season due to leaks in structure and children are sent home

  • There is no electricity in the school.

  • Most students have no books and each teacher must share one book with their class

  • There are no computers in the school

  • There also is no electricity or running water in the school

One of the goals is to help St. Andrews school. Bishop Augustine met with the headmaster and 13 teachers and defined the following goals to help the school:

  • Solar panels installed to provide electricity.

  • Computers and printers

  • Books for students and also books to help develop a library.

  • A motorcycle to provide emergency transportation and also to help the staff with supplies.

Previously Bishop Augustine was able to provide monetary assistance to the school and also donated four computers to the high school. Future support will go towards helping the school continue to assist the children of Bor.

St. Andrews School

Help with Compassion

427 14Th St. S.
La Crosse, WI 54601

© 2019

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