Since 1994, Father Patrick has been to South Sudan 14 times, serving as an ambassador of peace and a voice for the voiceless. His work is detailed in his book (available in PDF form above) Hear My People's Cry. He began visiting Sudan (South Sudan did not become an independent country until 2011) in 1994 and in 2001 was appointed Canon and Commissary to the Archbishop of Sudan in North America. In this role, he served as the US representative of the Archbishop of Sudan, serving as a voice for the Sudanese people. His tireless work on behalf of the Sudanese people has led him to testifying before the United States Congress on Human Rights.
In June 2019, Canon Augustine will begin a new role as assistant bishop of Bor, South Sudan and Commissary Bishop to North America for the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. He will continue to provide a voice for the South Sudanese people while in North America and will be working to develop and provide educational opportunities for the people of South Sudan.
Below are photos of Canon Augustine and his previous work in South Sudan.
Living Faith: South Sudan is home to a vibrant Christian faith that has flourished despite years of war, oppression, and attempted forced conversions from the Sudanese government out of Khartoum.
Education and Advocacy: An important part of healing in South Sudan is providing educational opportunities. Much of the Help with Compassion Ministry is directed towards helping fund schools and other educational activities for the South Sudanese people.
Daily Life in South Sudan: Many residents of South Sudan are suffering from war and internal conflicts and are living in displaced person or refugee camps. Many people are hungry and the government lacks the resources to help their people. However, the photos below show the community coming together for meals and fellowship.

Healing and Reconciliation in South Sudan

Education and Advocacy

High School Education

Theological Education

Young School-Aged Children with Gifts

Retreat at All Saints Cathedral, Juba
Living Faith in South Sudan

2009. Diocese of Maridi. Three Evangelists were martyred by Islamic soldiers on the altar of this Church

Right: With Bishop Nathaiel Garang, Dean of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. 2016, Juba.
It was a 1992 article by Bishop Garang that moved Father Patrick and began his efforts on working with the people of South Sudan. He has been to the region 14 times since.
Left: Preaching in All Saints Cathedral, Juba, South Sudan.
Daily Life in South Sudan

Photographs of daily life in South Sudan. Challenges facing the community include lack of running water and electricity, combined with food insecurity. Churches and other organizations often provide services that the South Sudanese government lacks the resources to provide.

Left: Preaching at the Cathedral Church, Diocese of Maridi, South Sudan
Right: All Saints Cathedral, Juba, South Sudan
Left: All Saints Cathedral, Juba
Right: 2001. Appointed Canon and Commissary to the Archbishop of Sudan in North America.

Left and Right: Father Patrick meeting with members of the Diocese of Bor. Center: Meeting with wife of Joseph Marona, Archbishop of Sudan

Left: Father Patrick with Bishop Justin Badi Arama, Maridi, South Sudan.
Right: Letter from Caroline Cox, Baroness Cox of the House of Lords, describing her and Father Patrick's efforts in South Sudan.